Wednesday 22 July 2015

Today will never come again

Lately, family members around me are getting sick, I even had a few who died unexpectedly. It made me thinks about the fact that Today will never come again.
As I am drinking my cup of tea, still sitting here in my pyjama's, I'm thinking about what I've done today? Am I just going to waste my day lounging around? It can be a good thing, but you'll never know when it's your last day...

I believe in trying to life everyday to the fullest. Be a blessing to someone. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. I seem to forget all these things as the world rushes past me, the clock still ticking on. And at the end of the day I find myself wondering, what have I done today? I've worked, or been to school, but have I actually done something that means something? Have I made someone smile? We seem to forget that way too much, too occupied with our self.

The quote I placed in this post encourages me. "Today will never come again" So we need to be somebody that we can be proud of, try our hardest every day. But we must not forget to take our time to heal...

I've decided to make something of my day. I'll try to make somebody smile. Even a small act of kindness can make somebody's day. I don't want to have regrets at the end of the day, so I'll just do what I want and what I need to do.

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